Basic Electronics July 14th 2025


Availability: 3 in stock

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm


Are electronics a mystery to you? You can use a flashlight, you can change batteries, but can you make either of them?  You will be surprised at how easy it is! Making electronics projects comes down to two pretty basic skills: Soldering components and wires, and reading a diagram correctly. We will be doing both, with a bunch of explanations in between!


This basic electronics course will walk you through Direct Current electricity (batteries) and what is happening, and a bit (Just a bit, I promise!) of the math used to make sure your project gets just enough energy to do The Thing. We will be making a pre-bought kit. Usually a small ‘Simon’ game, but sometimes it will be some other fun kit. We will go over proper safety equipment, proper handling of soldering iron and solder, and how to make a good attachment. 


For Fab Lab members, this course is needed for use of the electronics area, and will not contain the full kit (unless requested and the kit bought by the member), and for everyone else, we will go from beginning to end and you will leave with a working project you can show off and enjoy for years to come!

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Basic Electronics July 14th 2025

Availability: 3 in stock