This Membership is the ultimate! The Cream of the Crop, the cherry on the sundae, and that little added bit of elbow grease to make sure the bolt is tight enough.
Even better, when you sign up for a full year of 24/7 access, you only pay for 10 months! You get two months of making completely free. You can’t beat that!
Full Year Membership
A full access, no-holds-barred membership for a full year to the coolest place in the creative corridor.
The Full Access membership gives you 24/7 access to the Lab. It is never closed to you! If you have that 2am dream of creating a full sized Ghandi sculpture made entirely of freeze-dried bagel bites, you can run on over and grab the glue gun! Passive resistance never tasted so good!
The Weekdays membership gives you access during the regular working day, when most people are sitting in their cubicles, wondering idly how much it would cost to quit their job, and if the ol’ 401k would handle the sudden expense of thousands of bagels, a freeze dryer, and a bunch of glue sticks.
So, you still have that job. Your significant other said no to the 401k thing, even though that sculpture would be amazing. You are thinking about a hunger strike, and then realize that you could just get this membership! All the time you don’t spend at work and asleep is at your crumb covered fingertips!
Nights and Weekends Membership
📆 Monday – Friday 🕑 4:00pm – 10:00pm 📆 Saturday – Sunday 🕑 8:00am – 10:00pm
Ok. Fine. You have a job AND your significant other wants to do things with you on the weekends. Non-Ghandi related things, like ‘spend time together’ and ‘work on the garden’ and ‘not talk about bagel sculptures’. At least you have the weeknights to dream big! And at this price, you won’t even have to scrimp on the hot glue!
Wait. Little Mahatma has piano lessons, dinner (when not on a hunger strike), and an early bedtime. The weeknights are full, but ahhh! The weekend! Time enough for a full day or two of creating! Lucky for you bagels get stale and keep in place, making sure your project stays as timeless as a certain movie starring Ben Kingsley..
Weekend Membership
📆 Friday 🕑 4:00pm – 10:00pm 📆 Saturday – Sunday 🕑 8:00am – 10:00pm