Basic Classes
These are the perfect introductory courses needed to start your next project! Each class will give you a good understanding of the various machines and programs found at the Iowa City Fab Lab.
- FabLab Members get this class free!
- All workshops and classes are available to the public. Bring your friends!
- Swing on by. Join us today!
- If what you’re looking for is full or is only offered every quarter please check other dates at
Basic Embroidery Machine March 25th, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Were you ever jealous of all the patches that Suzy down the street had from girl scouts? Just skipping along, counting all that cash from those cookies she was always shelling out and showing off her accomplishments? Well now you can finally show her! With this class you can make your own patches! Yeah! Bet you don’t have a ‘wine tasting champion’ patch, do you, Suzy? Take that!
This class is a primer on how to use our BAI 15 string computerized embroidery machine. This sweet machine can do 10 stitches a second, up to 15 colors per program, and go from 1”x1” to 13”x17” (a full jacket back)! We will go through the steps you need to create your own patches, custom clothing, and embellishments! Our machine can also do hats!
There is a prerequisite for this class on learning Inkscape, a free computer program we use to prepare files. If you are a Fab Lab member, you will learn this program with Laser basics, vinyl cutting basics, and CNC basics. It is a great program for graphic design, as well! If you have not taken any of those classes, or are a community member who just wants to learn how to use this machine, you will need to watch these video tutorials and practice a bit before the class, or you won’t get much out of it.
Basic Laser Cutter March 27th, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
The laser cutter is a very versatile tool that can be used in so many ways! From cutting puzzles and creating boxes and custom jewelry to creating signs and engraving projects! We will go through the basics of the software, and how our laser functions. We will create and cut a file so everyone can show off their prowess at controlling coherent light! Take that, power rangers!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is required to use the laser cutter area of the Lab. If you are a community member, you will create a fun little project to show off to friends and learn a cool new skill!
Basic wood lathe March 29th, 2025
This class is from 10AM to 12
Do you like the idea of making your own wooden bowl, cup, or plate? Have you ever wanted to make your own chess set or been amazed by perfect wood or resin balls in those youtube videos? This lathe class is a great first step to being able to create your own cool projects.
We will go over the proper types of wood to use, how to prepare the piece for the lathe, proper mounting, stance, and tool use, and practice on a chunk of wood. Using a lathe is kind of like learning how to do free throws in basketball.. You can be taught the technique quickly, and then it is all about the practice! This class will teach basics and safety, but it will not be a class where you bring home a project, just the experience.
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is needed for you to use the lathe in the woodshop. If you are a community member who just wants to play with one, or have a good safety primer before you purchase one or use one that has been sitting there catching dust, this is a great place to start.
Out of stock
Basic 3D printing April 8th, 2025
This class is from 5:30pm to 7:30 pm
It is the wave of the future! Just steps away from being able to say ‘Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.’ in your own kitchen! This basic 3D printing class will give you the lowdown on additive manufacturing. This class is designed to be an introduction, and is by no means an exhaustive class. Basics will teach you how to use a filament-based 3D printer, how to get a design into the slicer program (and some good settings to start with), how to design a basic file for 3D printing, and where to find ready-to-go files that you can print right away.
If you are a member of the Fab Lab, this class covers what you need to do your own 3D printing in the Lab. If you are just curious about 3D printing or have gotten yourself a printer and now don’t know what to do next, this is a great primer! Just remember, this covers the basics, so you can go out and try stuff on your own safely, it does NOT guarantee every print will be a success.
2 in stock
Basic Tufting April 9th, 2025
This class is from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Have you ever done latch-hook? Have you ever fired a tommy-gun? When you did both of those things, did you ever think to yourself “Man! I wish I could combine my love of yarn with my desire to be a 1920’s gangster!”. Well then you are in the right place!
Tufting is creating a carpet-like rug (as opposed to a rug made by weaving or a loom). Using tufting, you can create everything from a single color mat to wipe your feet on to a multi-colored work of art to hang on a wall. It also makes you feel like you were told by Jimmy the Shark to ‘Make sure that burlap frame gets the message’. In this basics class, Fab Lab members will be checked out on the tufting guns, so they can use them in future projects. Non-members taking the class will learn all the basic requirements of making a simple frame, stretching the burlap/backing, creating a design, loading the tufting gun, using the gun safely, and finishing the piece.
This is a beginners class and requires no previous knowledge, but also does not provide all the techniques for mastery. It is a fun way to get started.
2 in stock
Basic Ceramics April 10th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Were you the kid who made mud-pies as a kid? Did you go crazy for play dough? Have you always wanted to try making a vase, bowl, or mug of your own? This basics ceramics class may be just what you need! In this class you will learn several different techniques for how to work with clay on the wheel and off of it. You will learn by first observing the instructor on technique, and then working with your own chunk of clay to get it wedged, formed, centered, and thrown.
For Fab Lab members, this is the basics class needed if you have zero experience with slinging mud. If you have previously used a pottery wheel, we may be able to fast track you, so don’t be afraid to reach out. For others in the community that have always wanted to try it, this is a perfect class for you! No matter what skill level you bring, we will guide you through the steps for not only prepping the clay and using the wheel, but what to do after to control dry times, next steps for finishing before firing, and some fun facts about different clays and firing techniques.
This class is beginner level, and you will be able to make one or two bisque fired pieces which you can pick up after they have been through the kiln. This class does NOT include glazing or glaze firing.
2 in stock
Basic Woodshop April 12th 2025
This class is from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
How much wood could a woodshop chop if a woodshop could chop wood? Lots.
In this beginner woodshop class, we will be creating one of the most important tools you can have in a wood shop: A push stick. Push sticks keep your hands and fingers away from the spinny sharp things so you keep all your bits where they should be. In order to make the push stick, we will use every major tool in a wood shop. The table saw, the chop saw, the drill press, the band saw, various sanding machines, a table router, and a hand router. We will teach you the safe way to handle and prepare all the tools, and you will use them to create your own safety tool!
This woodshop class is needed for any Fab Lab member who wants to be cleared for the wood shop. It is also great for anyone who has always wanted to use the tools, or someone who has the tools but is unsure if they are using them safely. This is a basics only class, so while you will create a functional tool, there are lots of techniques and tools we don’t cover in this class. Still, this is a really good beginning.
Out of stock
Basic Electronics April 14th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Are electronics a mystery to you? You can use a flashlight, you can change batteries, but can you make either of them? You will be surprised at how easy it is! Making electronics projects comes down to two pretty basic skills: Soldering components and wires, and reading a diagram correctly. We will be doing both, with a bunch of explanations in between!
This basic electronics course will walk you through Direct Current electricity (batteries) and what is happening, and a bit (Just a bit, I promise!) of the math used to make sure your project gets just enough energy to do The Thing. We will be making a pre-bought kit. Usually a small ‘Simon’ game, but sometimes it will be some other fun kit. We will go over proper safety equipment, proper handling of soldering iron and solder, and how to make a good attachment.
For Fab Lab members, this course is needed for use of the electronics area, and will not contain the full kit (unless requested and the kit bought by the member), and for everyone else, we will go from beginning to end and you will leave with a working project you can show off and enjoy for years to come!
1 in stock
Basic Jointer and Planer April 15th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 6 pm
Are you interested in fine woodworking? Creating things from a simple cutting board to a bedframe or dresser of hardwood? If so, you need to know how to use a Jointer and Planer. This short class is very focused on the do’s and don’ts of a Jointer and Planer. What the difference between them is, and the proper way to safely use them both. This class should only take around a half hour and is instructional only. You won’t leave with any project, just with knowledge. That is why it is priced so low for non-members.
NOTE: This class should only be taken by people who already have basic knowledge of a wood shop. These tools are not usually used in a shop until you have a major project, so you will have to take beginner woodshop class (or have previous experience) first.
3 in stock
Basic Laser Cutter April 16th, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
The laser cutter is a very versatile tool that can be used in so many ways! From cutting puzzles and creating boxes and custom jewelry to creating signs and engraving projects! We will go through the basics of the software, and how our laser functions. We will create and cut a file so everyone can show off their prowess at controlling coherent light! Take that, power rangers!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is required to use the laser cutter area of the Lab. If you are a community member, you will create a fun little project to show off to friends and learn a cool new skill!
3 in stock
Basic Sewing Machines April 17th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Do you like wearing clothes? I know I sure do!
The first step to creating clothing, stuffed animals, or even just mending a tea-towel is learning how to use a sewing machine. We will take you step-by-step through the basics of a modern sewing machine, including how to wind a bobbin, how to thread the machine, and how to adjust for different stitch styles and tensions. We will talk about how to make a button hole with the pre-set button option, the difference between the different feet for selected fabrics, and other practical things, like type of stitch, width of hem, adding darts, and the modern miracle that is an automatic needle threader!
For Fab Lab members, this is the course you need to use the sewing machines at the Fab Lab, and for everyone else, this is a good primer for those who have never sewn, and a good refresher for those who have not done it in years!
2 in stock
Basic Woodshop April 22nd 2025
This class is from 5:30-7:30PM
How much wood could a woodshop chop if a woodshop could chop wood? Lots.
In this beginner woodshop class, we will be creating one of the most important tools you can have in a wood shop: A push stick. Push sticks keep your hands and fingers away from the spinny sharp things so you keep all your bits where they should be. In order to make the push stick, we will use every major tool in a wood shop. The table saw, the chop saw, the drill press, the band saw, various sanding machines, a table router, and a hand router. We will teach you the safe way to handle and prepare all the tools, and you will use them to create your own safety tool!
This woodshop class is needed for any Fab Lab member who wants to be cleared for the wood shop. It is also great for anyone who has always wanted to use the tools, or someone who has the tools but is unsure if they are using them safely. This is a basics only class, so while you will create a functional tool, there are lots of techniques and tools we don’t cover in this class. Still, this is a really good beginning.
1 in stock
Basic Leather Tools April 23rd, 2025
Do you like to work with leather? Have you ever wanted to make your own belt, or keychain, or even your own pair of shoes? This is a good place to get started. We will go through basic steps of cutting, marking, carving, sanding, finishing, waxing, and sewing leather, both thick and thin. We will discuss finishing techniques, the difference between leather, suede, and faux leather products, and give you a general feel for working with the tools and trying out some techniques.
This class is from 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Be warned, working with leather means using VERY sharp tools, and holding things tight, pulling hard on stuff, and generally working with your hands intensively. If you have carpal tunnel or arthritis, this class may test your limits a bit, although it will be a small project, so it is doable for almost everyone.
For Fab Lab members, this class is needed if you want to check out the leather tools at the Fab Lab. For anyone else interested, this will give you a pretty good starting point to see if you want to learn more.
2 in stock
Basic 3D printing April 24th, 2025
This class is from 5:30pm to 7:30 pm
It is the wave of the future! Just steps away from being able to say ‘Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.’ in your own kitchen! This basic 3D printing class will give you the lowdown on additive manufacturing. This class is designed to be an introduction, and is by no means an exhaustive class. Basics will teach you how to use a filament-based 3D printer, how to get a design into the slicer program (and some good settings to start with), how to design a basic file for 3D printing, and where to find ready-to-go files that you can print right away.
If you are a member of the Fab Lab, this class covers what you need to do your own 3D printing in the Lab. If you are just curious about 3D printing or have gotten yourself a printer and now don’t know what to do next, this is a great primer! Just remember, this covers the basics, so you can go out and try stuff on your own safely, it does NOT guarantee every print will be a success.
3 in stock
Basic Cricut April 26th, 2025
This class is from 10AM to noon
The Cricut is an exceptional tool with so many possibilities! From creating stickers and vinyl cutouts to embossing and making custom cards, popup cards, and decorations, there are literally thousands of things that you can do with a good machine.
We will walk you through the basics of the software, as well as the limitations of the materials that can and can not be used, and create a fun project to give you some practical experience!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is needed to use the cricut for any projects, if you are interested in buying a cricut, or have one and now don’t know what to do with it, this is a great class to take to get you started!
3 in stock
Basic Silkscreen studio April 27th, 2025
This class is from 1 to 3 pm
Silkscreening is a great way to make custom t-shirts, mugs, paper art prints, or even yoga mats! In this interactive class we will go through all the steps you need for the process we use in our in-house print shop! (NOTE: this is only one technique, there are other systems out there.)
We will go through the process of preparing a screen, creating a pattern, exposing the pattern in the dark room, readying it for use, and pressing the pattern onto a shirt, towel, or small object. We will also go over the use and cleaning of tools, how to clear a screen for another use, and how to store your screen to use it over and over again!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is needed before you can use the silkscreen studio. If you are a community member interested in the process, this is a great class to take to see how many products around the world are made! If you are interested in a group coming in for a larger project, email us and we can set up something for you!
3 in stock
Basic Embroidery Machine April 29th, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Were you ever jealous of all the patches that Suzy down the street had from girl scouts? Just skipping along, counting all that cash from those cookies she was always shelling out and showing off her accomplishments? Well now you can finally show her! With this class you can make your own patches! Yeah! Bet you don’t have a ‘wine tasting champion’ patch, do you, Suzy? Take that!
This class is a primer on how to use our BAI 15 string computerized embroidery machine. This sweet machine can do 10 stitches a second, up to 15 colors per program, and go from 1”x1” to 13”x17” (a full jacket back)! We will go through the steps you need to create your own patches, custom clothing, and embellishments! Our machine can also do hats!
There is a prerequisite for this class on learning Inkscape, a free computer program we use to prepare files. If you are a Fab Lab member, you will learn this program with Laser basics, vinyl cutting basics, and CNC basics. It is a great program for graphic design, as well! If you have not taken any of those classes, or are a community member who just wants to learn how to use this machine, you will need to watch these video tutorials and practice a bit before the class, or you won’t get much out of it.
3 in stock
Basic Laser Cutter May 1st, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
The laser cutter is a very versatile tool that can be used in so many ways! From cutting puzzles and creating boxes and custom jewelry to creating signs and engraving projects! We will go through the basics of the software, and how our laser functions. We will create and cut a file so everyone can show off their prowess at controlling coherent light! Take that, power rangers!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is required to use the laser cutter area of the Lab. If you are a community member, you will create a fun little project to show off to friends and learn a cool new skill!
3 in stock
Basic wood lathe May 3rd, 2025
This class is from 10AM to 12
Do you like the idea of making your own wooden bowl, cup, or plate? Have you ever wanted to make your own chess set or been amazed by perfect wood or resin balls in those youtube videos? This lathe class is a great first step to being able to create your own cool projects.
We will go over the proper types of wood to use, how to prepare the piece for the lathe, proper mounting, stance, and tool use, and practice on a chunk of wood. Using a lathe is kind of like learning how to do free throws in basketball.. You can be taught the technique quickly, and then it is all about the practice! This class will teach basics and safety, but it will not be a class where you bring home a project, just the experience.
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is needed for you to use the lathe in the woodshop. If you are a community member who just wants to play with one, or have a good safety primer before you purchase one or use one that has been sitting there catching dust, this is a great place to start.
3 in stock
Basic 3D printing May 6th, 2025
This class is from 5:30pm to 7:30 pm
It is the wave of the future! Just steps away from being able to say ‘Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.’ in your own kitchen! This basic 3D printing class will give you the lowdown on additive manufacturing. This class is designed to be an introduction, and is by no means an exhaustive class. Basics will teach you how to use a filament-based 3D printer, how to get a design into the slicer program (and some good settings to start with), how to design a basic file for 3D printing, and where to find ready-to-go files that you can print right away.
If you are a member of the Fab Lab, this class covers what you need to do your own 3D printing in the Lab. If you are just curious about 3D printing or have gotten yourself a printer and now don’t know what to do next, this is a great primer! Just remember, this covers the basics, so you can go out and try stuff on your own safely, it does NOT guarantee every print will be a success.
3 in stock
Basic vinyl cutting May 7th, 2025
This class is from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Have you ever wanted to make decals for your car? Do you need to make a large sign? Would you like to learn how to get advertising onto a window or decorate a bedroom wall with custom stickers? Than you need to learn how to cut vinyl!
The Fab Lab vinyl cutter is larger than most, with accuracy of 0.1mm and a width of 4 feet (I know, I am mixing imperial and metric units. Too bad). Many times vinyl projects only need a small cutter, like our cricut, but sometimes, you need something a bit bigger! We will go over how to design your sign, pattern, or decoration,how to cut it, how to weed the design and go from start to finish on the steps to get it from concept to complete!
NOTE: This will be a small project, we are not going to be making an outline of Wile E. Coyote to paste onto the side of your house.
If you are a Fab Lab member, you must take this class to be cleared for the Vinyl cutter.
3 in stock
Basic Ceramics May 8th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Were you the kid who made mud-pies as a kid? Did you go crazy for play dough? Have you always wanted to try making a vase, bowl, or mug of your own? This basics ceramics class may be just what you need! In this class you will learn several different techniques for how to work with clay on the wheel and off of it. You will learn by first observing the instructor on technique, and then working with your own chunk of clay to get it wedged, formed, centered, and thrown.
For Fab Lab members, this is the basics class needed if you have zero experience with slinging mud. If you have previously used a pottery wheel, we may be able to fast track you, so don’t be afraid to reach out. For others in the community that have always wanted to try it, this is a perfect class for you! No matter what skill level you bring, we will guide you through the steps for not only prepping the clay and using the wheel, but what to do after to control dry times, next steps for finishing before firing, and some fun facts about different clays and firing techniques.
This class is beginner level, and you will be able to make one or two bisque fired pieces which you can pick up after they have been through the kiln. This class does NOT include glazing or glaze firing.
3 in stock
Basic Woodshop May 10th 2025
This class is from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
How much wood could a woodshop chop if a woodshop could chop wood? Lots.
In this beginner woodshop class, we will be creating one of the most important tools you can have in a wood shop: A push stick. Push sticks keep your hands and fingers away from the spinny sharp things so you keep all your bits where they should be. In order to make the push stick, we will use every major tool in a wood shop. The table saw, the chop saw, the drill press, the band saw, various sanding machines, a table router, and a hand router. We will teach you the safe way to handle and prepare all the tools, and you will use them to create your own safety tool!
This woodshop class is needed for any Fab Lab member who wants to be cleared for the wood shop. It is also great for anyone who has always wanted to use the tools, or someone who has the tools but is unsure if they are using them safely. This is a basics only class, so while you will create a functional tool, there are lots of techniques and tools we don’t cover in this class. Still, this is a really good beginning.
1 in stock
Basic Electronics May 12th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Are electronics a mystery to you? You can use a flashlight, you can change batteries, but can you make either of them? You will be surprised at how easy it is! Making electronics projects comes down to two pretty basic skills: Soldering components and wires, and reading a diagram correctly. We will be doing both, with a bunch of explanations in between!
This basic electronics course will walk you through Direct Current electricity (batteries) and what is happening, and a bit (Just a bit, I promise!) of the math used to make sure your project gets just enough energy to do The Thing. We will be making a pre-bought kit. Usually a small ‘Simon’ game, but sometimes it will be some other fun kit. We will go over proper safety equipment, proper handling of soldering iron and solder, and how to make a good attachment.
For Fab Lab members, this course is needed for use of the electronics area, and will not contain the full kit (unless requested and the kit bought by the member), and for everyone else, we will go from beginning to end and you will leave with a working project you can show off and enjoy for years to come!
Out of stock
Basic Jointer and Planer May 13th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 6 pm
Are you interested in fine woodworking? Creating things from a simple cutting board to a bedframe or dresser of hardwood? If so, you need to know how to use a Jointer and Planer. This short class is very focused on the do’s and don’ts of a Jointer and Planer. What the difference between them is, and the proper way to safely use them both. This class should only take around a half hour and is instructional only. You won’t leave with any project, just with knowledge. That is why it is priced so low for non-members.
NOTE: This class should only be taken by people who already have basic knowledge of a wood shop. These tools are not usually used in a shop until you have a major project, so you will have to take beginner woodshop class (or have previous experience) first.
3 in stock
Basic Laser Cutter May 14th, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
The laser cutter is a very versatile tool that can be used in so many ways! From cutting puzzles and creating boxes and custom jewelry to creating signs and engraving projects! We will go through the basics of the software, and how our laser functions. We will create and cut a file so everyone can show off their prowess at controlling coherent light! Take that, power rangers!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is required to use the laser cutter area of the Lab. If you are a community member, you will create a fun little project to show off to friends and learn a cool new skill!
3 in stock
Basic Sewing Machines May 15th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Do you like wearing clothes? I know I sure do!
The first step to creating clothing, stuffed animals, or even just mending a tea-towel is learning how to use a sewing machine. We will take you step-by-step through the basics of a modern sewing machine, including how to wind a bobbin, how to thread the machine, and how to adjust for different stitch styles and tensions. We will talk about how to make a button hole with the pre-set button option, the difference between the different feet for selected fabrics, and other practical things, like type of stitch, width of hem, adding darts, and the modern miracle that is an automatic needle threader!
For Fab Lab members, this is the course you need to use the sewing machines at the Fab Lab, and for everyone else, this is a good primer for those who have never sewn, and a good refresher for those who have not done it in years!
3 in stock
Basic Sublimation printing May 18th 2025
This class is from 1 to 3 pm
Have you ever wondered how they get photos on mugs and t-shirts? One of the answers is they use sublimation! Sublimation is a special ink that turns from solid to gas when heated (sublimates, for you science nerds) and then likes to attach to a substrate (a solid surface). In this case, the ink attaches to polyester, and transfers the image onto the material, whether it is a coffee cup, a plate, or a piece of cloth! Learn this cool technique and open up possibilities for personal gifts, and custom coolness!
For members, this class is needed to use the sublimation area and the heat press. For everyone else, this is a great way to make a specialty mug, shirt, or sticker sheet!
3 in stock
Basic Ceramics May 19th 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Were you the kid who made mud-pies as a kid? Did you go crazy for play dough? Have you always wanted to try making a vase, bowl, or mug of your own? This basics ceramics class may be just what you need! In this class you will learn several different techniques for how to work with clay on the wheel and off of it. You will learn by first observing the instructor on technique, and then working with your own chunk of clay to get it wedged, formed, centered, and thrown.
For Fab Lab members, this is the basics class needed if you have zero experience with slinging mud. If you have previously used a pottery wheel, we may be able to fast track you, so don’t be afraid to reach out. For others in the community that have always wanted to try it, this is a perfect class for you! No matter what skill level you bring, we will guide you through the steps for not only prepping the clay and using the wheel, but what to do after to control dry times, next steps for finishing before firing, and some fun facts about different clays and firing techniques.
This class is beginner level, and you will be able to make one or two bisque fired pieces which you can pick up after they have been through the kiln. This class does NOT include glazing or glaze firing.
3 in stock
Basic Woodshop May 20th 2025
This class is from 5:30-7:30PM
How much wood could a woodshop chop if a woodshop could chop wood? Lots.
In this beginner woodshop class, we will be creating one of the most important tools you can have in a wood shop: A push stick. Push sticks keep your hands and fingers away from the spinny sharp things so you keep all your bits where they should be. In order to make the push stick, we will use every major tool in a wood shop. The table saw, the chop saw, the drill press, the band saw, various sanding machines, a table router, and a hand router. We will teach you the safe way to handle and prepare all the tools, and you will use them to create your own safety tool!
This woodshop class is needed for any Fab Lab member who wants to be cleared for the wood shop. It is also great for anyone who has always wanted to use the tools, or someone who has the tools but is unsure if they are using them safely. This is a basics only class, so while you will create a functional tool, there are lots of techniques and tools we don’t cover in this class. Still, this is a really good beginning.
3 in stock
Basic Jewelry hand tools May 21st, 2025
Do you like to make jewelry and want to up your game? Have you looked into all of the hammers, drawplates, sizers, flatteners, breaks, shears, and grinders and either drooled over how cool they are, or despaired at the cost of all these small specialized gizmos? This class may be a good one for you to take! We will make a small project using sheets of metal, riveting, hammers, grinders, and a bunch of other tools to get you some experience at creating some next-level pieces.
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is needed to access the jewelry shop tools and equipment (except soldering). No matter who you are, this is a fun class with a nice little project to give you the basics and open up a new world of possibilities!
3 in stock
Basic 3D printing May 22nd, 2025
This class is from 5:30pm to 7:30 pm
It is the wave of the future! Just steps away from being able to say ‘Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.’ in your own kitchen! This basic 3D printing class will give you the lowdown on additive manufacturing. This class is designed to be an introduction, and is by no means an exhaustive class. Basics will teach you how to use a filament-based 3D printer, how to get a design into the slicer program (and some good settings to start with), how to design a basic file for 3D printing, and where to find ready-to-go files that you can print right away.
If you are a member of the Fab Lab, this class covers what you need to do your own 3D printing in the Lab. If you are just curious about 3D printing or have gotten yourself a printer and now don’t know what to do next, this is a great primer! Just remember, this covers the basics, so you can go out and try stuff on your own safely, it does NOT guarantee every print will be a success.
2 in stock
Basic Cricut May 24th, 2025
This class is from 10AM to noon
The Cricut is an exceptional tool with so many possibilities! From creating stickers and vinyl cutouts to embossing and making custom cards, popup cards, and decorations, there are literally thousands of things that you can do with a good machine.
We will walk you through the basics of the software, as well as the limitations of the materials that can and can not be used, and create a fun project to give you some practical experience!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is needed to use the cricut for any projects, if you are interested in buying a cricut, or have one and now don’t know what to do with it, this is a great class to take to get you started!
3 in stock
Basic Silkscreen studio May 25th, 2025
This class is from 1 to 3 pm
Silkscreening is a great way to make custom t-shirts, mugs, paper art prints, or even yoga mats! In this interactive class we will go through all the steps you need for the process we use in our in-house print shop! (NOTE: this is only one technique, there are other systems out there.)
We will go through the process of preparing a screen, creating a pattern, exposing the pattern in the dark room, readying it for use, and pressing the pattern onto a shirt, towel, or small object. We will also go over the use and cleaning of tools, how to clear a screen for another use, and how to store your screen to use it over and over again!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is needed before you can use the silkscreen studio. If you are a community member interested in the process, this is a great class to take to see how many products around the world are made! If you are interested in a group coming in for a larger project, email us and we can set up something for you!
3 in stock
Basic Embroidery Machine May 27th, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Were you ever jealous of all the patches that Suzy down the street had from girl scouts? Just skipping along, counting all that cash from those cookies she was always shelling out and showing off her accomplishments? Well now you can finally show her! With this class you can make your own patches! Yeah! Bet you don’t have a ‘wine tasting champion’ patch, do you, Suzy? Take that!
This class is a primer on how to use our BAI 15 string computerized embroidery machine. This sweet machine can do 10 stitches a second, up to 15 colors per program, and go from 1”x1” to 13”x17” (a full jacket back)! We will go through the steps you need to create your own patches, custom clothing, and embellishments! Our machine can also do hats!
There is a prerequisite for this class on learning Inkscape, a free computer program we use to prepare files. If you are a Fab Lab member, you will learn this program with Laser basics, vinyl cutting basics, and CNC basics. It is a great program for graphic design, as well! If you have not taken any of those classes, or are a community member who just wants to learn how to use this machine, you will need to watch these video tutorials and practice a bit before the class, or you won’t get much out of it.
3 in stock
Basic Laser Cutter May 29th, 2025
This class is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
The laser cutter is a very versatile tool that can be used in so many ways! From cutting puzzles and creating boxes and custom jewelry to creating signs and engraving projects! We will go through the basics of the software, and how our laser functions. We will create and cut a file so everyone can show off their prowess at controlling coherent light! Take that, power rangers!
If you are a Fab Lab member, this class is required to use the laser cutter area of the Lab. If you are a community member, you will create a fun little project to show off to friends and learn a cool new skill!
3 in stock
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